
New CDO Governance Terminology Approved

Posted: December 19, 2022

Publié le 19 December 2022

New governance terminology underscores the College’s role as a regulator

At its meeting on September 30, 2022, the College’s Board of Directors, as part of ongoing governance modernization, voted to adopt new governance terminology that would underscore the College’s role as a regulator rather than an association.

A member is now a "registrant" or « personne inscrite »

The most significant change for Registered Dietitians is that CDO will now use the term “registrant” (French: « personne inscrite ») rather than “member” (French: « membre ») when referring to individuals registered with the College.

The new terms will be considered equivalent to their relevant terms as currently written in the College’s governing legislation and regulations. The full list of changes is presented in the table below:
Current Terminology New Terminology New Terminology French Translation
Council of the College Board of Directors of the College, the Board Conseil d’administration de l’Ordre, le Conseil
Council member(s) Director(s) Administrateur(s) [masc.] ou administratrice(s) [fém.]
President of Council Chair of the Board of Directors Président [masc.] ou présidente [fém.] du conseil d’administration
Vice-President of Council Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors Vice-président [masc.] ou vice-présidente [fém.] du conseil d’administration
Member Registrant(s) personne(s) inscrite(s) OU titulaire(s) d’une inscription
General Member General Registrant titulaire d’un certificat général d’inscription (holder of a general registration certificate)
Temporary Member Temporary Registrant titulaire d’un certificat temporaire d’inscription (holder of a temporary certificate of registration)

The College will gradually update the College’s website and documents to reflect this change. If you have questions about the new terminology, please email Colin Ellis, Director of Communications, at the College of Dietitians of Ontario.