
Regulation Matters 2019 - Issue 3

Council Meeting Highlights - September 27, 2019

These Council highlights relate to the meeting which took place on September 27, 2019.  Access the Council agenda and meeting materials here.

Laying the Groundwork for a new Strategic Plan

2016-20 Strategic Plan Review

Council reviewed the goals and accomplishments of the 2016-2020 Strategic Plan to set the stage for developing the new strategic plan which will begin April 2020. Some notable accomplishments included:

 Strategic Planning Workshop with Council and Staff

As part of an environmental scan laying the groundwork for creating the new strategic plan, Council and staff participated in a facilitated brainstorming workshop. The purpose of the workshop was to identify College strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and needs to be considered when creating the new plan.

New Professional Practice Committee Established

Council approved the creation of the new Professional Practice Committee to replace the Legislative Issues Committee. In addition to dealing with legislative issues, the new committee will have an increased scope to consider and make recommendations to Council regarding professional practice standards, policies and guidelines relevant to the practice of dietetics (e.g. legalization of recreational cannabis and its impact on dietetic practice, position statements on scope of practice, and delegation standards).

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) Training

Council received training on the AODA to ensure that the College is compliant with our requirements in this important area.

Delegation Standard

Council reviewed the draft Professional Practice Standard on Delegation of Controlled Acts and referred the draft to the Professional Practice Committee for further development. The purpose of the standard is to clarify the expectations and behaviours that a dietitian must know when performing a controlled act under delegation.