Regulation Matters

December 2019 - Issue 3

A crucial part of the strategic planning process is the feedback we receive from dietitians in response to our survey that contribute invaluably to the development of our project plans going forward. A big thank you to all who responded.

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As of October 17, 2019, cannabis edibles are legal in Canada. This does not change a dietitian’s professional and legal obligations respecting their scope of practice and for providing safe, ethical and competent client-centered services. This article considers three scenarios.

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The College has focused on strategies for mitigating risk of harm in dietetic practice for several years, now. The Quality Assurance Program is an important part of this work. This article explains how developing goals to address risk in dietetic practice can reduce harm to clients, and is an important public protection piece for self-regulation.

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In this article, we answer some of the questions we heard from members in the recent member survey, and provide information about the improvements we are making to College communications and the website. In response to some member requests, we have also included a summary of College publications for 2019, including articles, standards, policies and web pages updated with case scenarios. We will do this every year, going forward.

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A client of a diabetes education centre has a visual impairment. The physician has documented in the client’s health record that the client was advised not to drive. After the client’s follow-up appointment, the dietitian observes the client driving out of the parking lot. How should the dietitian handle this situation?

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These Council highlights relate to the meeting which took place on September 27, 2019. Access the Council agenda and meeting materials here.

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Dietitians can have an impact on how their profession is regulated by serving on College committees. Appointed committee members draw on their professional knowledge and judgment to help develop regulations, programs and policies for the delivery of safe, ethical and quality dietetic service. 

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Using the title dietitian in Ontario is prohibited under the Dietetics Act, 1991, unless a person is a member of the College of Dietitians of Ontario. In this article, you will see the names of new members and of members who retired, resigned, or who were suspended between September 30 and December 4, 2019

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