

Created On: 4/12/2021
Professional Ethics Professional Ethics Ethics is about the values that guide a dietitian's decisions and actions in dietetic  practice.  In dietetic care, we often can’t separate our actions from ethical considerations; what we do (and don’t do) may have significant ...

COI Quiz

Created On: 10/6/2020
COnflict of interest Quiz COI Quiz 1. In the scenario, "Promoting a Product, what safeguard would you include to ensure honest and transparent communication? a. Ensure that you clearly identify yourself as a representative of your company b.  Ensure that your communi...


Created On: 12/21/2023
Workshops Annual  College Workshop Each year, the College delivers interactive educational workshops on a professional practice theme throughout Ontario.  Upcoming  Workshop This year, the annual College workshop will be held virtually from November to December 2023....

Code of Ethics (2019)

Created On: 1/7/2021
Code of Ethics Print Code of Ethics Approved by the Council March 29, 2019 Dietitians have a fundamental responsibility to act in an ethical manner. Ethics is about the values that guide dietitians’ decisions and actions in various contexts. This Code of Ethics ...

Promoting a Product to Purchasing Agents

Created On: 1/19/2021
COI Scenario Promoting a Product Promoting a Product to PUrchasing Agents You work as a dietitian in industry. Your company produces frozen meals and part of your job is to promote the sale of this product to purchasing agents for various retail outlets. The purchasing ag...

2018 Fall Workshop - Record Keeping

Created On: 5/8/2018
Record keeping is integral to safe, effective and competent dietetic services. A comprehensive record establishes an account of how a dietitian exercises critical thinking and professional judgement when treating a client. It also demonstrates that the services were evidence-b...


Created On: 12/21/2023
ateliers Atelier annuel de l'Ordre Chaque année, l'Ordre offre des ateliers éducatifs interactifs sur un thème de pratique professionnelle partout en Ontario. Ateliers  à venir Cette année, l'atelier annuel de l'Ordre se tiendra virtuellement de novembre à décembre...

Atelier de l’automne 2018 – Tenue des dossiers

Created On: 6/19/2018
La tenue des dossiers fait partie intégrante des services de diététique sécuritaires et efficaces, dispensés avec compétence. Un dossier complet permet de déterminer comment la diététiste exerce sa pensée critique et son jugement professionnel dans le traitement d’un client. I...

résumé (hiver 2013)

Created On: 10/15/2014

Message de la Registratrice et Directrice Générale

Created On: 5/18/2022
L'ONTARIO a récemment vécu le deuxième anniversaire d'un tournant malheureux qui a provoqué une période prolongée de perturbations importantes dans la vie de chacun et chacune d'entre nous. Depuis que le gouvernement provincial a déclaré son premier état d'urgence en mars 2020...